Mother, Tenderness who gave birth, Goddess Seethadevi, wife of Raman in Hindu epic Ramayanam. Goddess Sita, Daughter of king Janak (Daughter of king Janak) daugter of King Janak (Sita) Goddess Sita, Beloved of king Janak (Daughter of king Janak) Goddess Sita, Daughter of king Janak Seeta Generator, Producer, Father (King of Mithila Father of Sita, who found her in a furrow) Lotus, Originating in the water, Another name for Lakshmi Goddess of wealth
Goddess Parvathy / Durga, Victory, Successful River Ganga (Daughter of Jahnu) Ganga river
The earth, Of the universe, People, Both heaven and hell Bestowed with speed The earth, Of the universe, People, Both heaven and hell The earth, Of the universe, Bestowed with speed Goddess Durga, Charmer of the universe Goddess Durga